10 Dangerous Remote Islands On Earth

the most remote and dangerous islands

 10 Dangerous Remote Islands On Earth - miyake-jima ilha da queimada grande rockall nuku hiva,Kerguelen Islands...

 10 Ilha da Queimada

 giving me a headache amanda is only 33 kilometers off the coast of Brazil it is the least remote of all of the islands covered here nonetheless if you found yourself marooned on its shores we bet you'd want to get off as quickly as possible that's because this island is inhabited by the golden lancehead pit viper this snake is venomous and thousands of them inhabit the island in fact some studies suggest that on average there is at least one Viper per square meter the island nicknamed snake island is thankfully closed to the public for the protection of the snakes and people 

9 Bouvet Island 

the most remote uninhabited island on the planet this volcanic land mass can be found 17 hundred kilometers north of Antarctica and 26 hundred kilometers southwest of south africa smack dab in the middle of nowhere there are no dangerous animals on this glacier covered rock where the danger comes from is the inhospitable weather threat of earthquakes and the fact that if you get into any sort of trouble rescue is a long way off there are no ports and no air strips on the event so the most reliable way to get onto this desolate island is by ship launched helicopter

8 Miyake-Jima

 located 180 kilometres south of tokyo japan this small island definitely qualifies as dangerous nakajima is like many other small islands found around japan only with one significant difference sure like other islands it was formed by volcanic activity but in the case of me okemah the volcano is still very dangerous in recent history the islands volcano has erupted several times the since residents are forced to carry on gas masks because of the poisonous sulfur dioxide gas that continues to be emitted

 7 rockall

 located four hundred sixty kilometers west of great britain rock all is a remote and barren island less than eight hundred square meters in size as its name suggests it's pretty much a giant rock sitting in the middle of a rather inhospitable Atlantic Ocean it would be impossible to live on this island in any permanent fashion thanks the notorious Atlantic whether an inability to grow anything edible people have tried to set up camp with longest duration of stay being around a month and a half long in fact rock all is so remote and has such a harsh environment that has been said that more people have been to the moon this tiny little rock formation in the Atlantic 

6 Bikini Atoll

 in the Central Pacific Ocean you'll find the Marshall Islands which is made up of a number of tools including bikini now when you hear a name like bikini atoll you probably think warm water nice beaches and a great tourist destination not so much the weather may be fantastic but thanks nuclear testing in the nineteen forties this island is uninhabitable and remains dangerously radioactive the original inhabitants were all moved to other islands and bikini is now home to a few caretakers who look after the facilities and monitor the radiation

5 Kerguelen Islands

when you're also known as the desolation islands you know you qualify as remote located in the southern Indian Ocean this French territory looks like it's from another planet it's cold experiences high winds is surrounded by water that is almost always rough it's home to some french researchers and scientists but nobody really lives there we imagine if you tried the weather would eventually kill you if not any type of serious emergency likely would given its a six-day trip by boat from the Reunion Island the closest inhabited land .

4 Tristan da Cunha

 home to just a few hundred inhabitants tristan da cunha is one of the most remote inhabited islands on earth it's closest inhabited neighbor is the island of st. Helena located nearly if you're looking for mainland South Africa is nearly two thousand four hundred kilometers to the east this volcanic island has only one flat and suitable spot for living on the documents can be found since there's no air field any supplies or medical relief comes in the form of ships which can take several days to reach this very isolated island

 3 nuku hiva

 in the South Pacific as part of the expansive collection of islands notice french polynesia you can find the
paradise of new HIPAA you may think that a few small villages in an airstrip in this island it very remote or dangerous but do not be fooled nuku hiva is a hilly and mountainous island covered in forests it is also home to tribes which at one point practiced cannibalism in 2011 German tourist stuff on ramen disappeared in the forest nobody knew what happened until some remains and scraps of clothing turned up it is believed that he was eaten by a group of indigenous people who supposedly had given up the practice many years earlier.

2 St. Kilda 

 located 130 kilometers from Great Britain's mainland st. kilda is composed of four Islands the islands are home to any violent natives dangerous animals or radioactivity instead the sheer power of the Atlantic and overall Harsha's of the climate make this place too dangerous and difficult to live in in fact the seas are often too rough to fish meaning if you want to try to live here you better like eating birds because there are a lot of them people have lived here for hundreds of years but the environment was just too hard to live in and in nineteen thirty all inhabitants were evacuated to the mainland

1 North Sentinel Island

North Sentinel Island  if there was ever an island that you would want to steer clear of it is north central island found in the bay of bengal part of the atom and islands this particular Island is remote and very dangerous to outsiders that's because North Sentinel is inhabited by a tribe of indigenous peoples who don't want any Outsiders were killed when they came ashore attempts to communicate with the Islanders have been met with aggression
and the Indian government has pretty much given up on trying to establish communication with its inhabitants

 today the only contact we have is thanks
some long-range pictures and videos some of which show the natives firing arrows
and launching Spears at low flying planes we hope you enjoyed this video here are
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