Top 10 famous sculptures

there's some of the most instantly recognizable structures in the world welcome to topnumbre and today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 iconic statues, for this list we're ranking the most impressive and widely known statues from around the world , size scope and construction will be taken into consideration but will also be judging how these statues have inserted themselves into the public consciousness and remained.

10 the thinker 

 the thinker , this bronze sculpture by french artist auguste rodin , stands in a garden of philadelphia's of da Museum , and is often used to represent the study of philosophy and its impact on humanity,  hold up first began what would become the thinker in eighteen eighty,  but the contemplative work we know and love today did not arrive until 1904,  essentially a nude male figure, he appears lost in deep thought, with his chin resting on one hand, presumably contemplating such ideas as existence and knowledge , it's a memorable image and one that often serves as inspiration for the poets, artists ,writers and musicians who visited on a daily basis. 

9 the motherland calls

 the motherland calls , notable as the tallest female statue in the world ,serving as a symbol of Russian pride and rivaling the famed worker and kool haus woman sculptures the motherland calls represents Russia's victory in Stalingrad against the Axis powers during World War two,  utilizing a combination of concrete and wire rope , sculptor you have been even shave pitch and structural engineer Nikolai nikitin collaborated on the project,  which depicts a warrior woman with a sword in her right hand,  and a welcoming gesture with her left indeed the motherland calls remains an impressive piece of art to this day , standing not only as a memory of Russian
military prowess but of the country itself .

8 Terracotta Army

Terracotta Army , while many statues are impressive because of the volume, the Terracotta Army is impressive based on its sheer quantity, this collection of horses warriors and chariots ,was buried with China's first emperor Qin share a quote with the intent of offering him protection during his journey to the afterlife, and is made up of thousands of individual sculptures since its 1974 discovery, the 3rd century BC terracotta army has earned international appreciation, thanks to its impressive image of ancient feudal China ,other non-military figures were also carved and buried in other pits, including acrobats and musicians which were likely intended to keep the Emperor amused and entertained when the emperor built the wall he buried his enemies underneath it and krista souls to hold it up for eternity.

7 dilution giant buddha - buddha statues

dilution giant buddha , religious statues , this Tang Dynasty statue is a huge impressive structure indeed , standing at 233 feet tall and carved out of a cliff base in southern China ,near the city of the Sun it's the largest stone     buddha statues in the world , and is said to have taken so much material out of the cliff during its construction , that the currents of the surrounding dad do men xiang and cheney rivers were changed, due to falling deposits the creators of the
Lucian giant buddha even constructed a drainage system in order to minimize weathering damage from the surrounding elements , this is kept the iconic statue in surprisingly good shape , especially considering its over thirteen hundred year history , religious statues .

6 the Venus de Milo

the Venus de Milo , there are plenty of iconic Greek sculptures out there,  but this one might be the most famous, the Venus de Milo was representative of Aphrodite Greek goddess of love and desire the most famous aspect of the Venus de Milo her absent limbs, actually has nothing to do with its construction but rather its condition , " she has one less arm the new and that concern " the statue also known as the Aphrodite of milosz, was actually discovered like this on the Greek island of melo's prior to it being displayed in the move in France, and yet this damage has only gone on to serve as one of the ancient Greek sculptures most memorable and defining characteristics.

5 the Statue of Liberty - statues of liberty

statues of liberty "got it makes you wonder doesn't it wonder what whether she's naked under that toga she's French you know that"
  this gigantic and iconic statues serves not only as one of the most easily recognizable sculptures in the entire world , but also as a national symbol of freedom and of the country of the United States , designed in copper by fidic against buf toady and built by gustav FL the statue was gifted to America from the people of France in 1886, the date of America's Declaration of Independence is inscribed upon Lady Liberty's tablet of law meanwhile the shattered shackles of oppression lie at her feet , representing the country's tolerance of immigrants within its borders and serving as a symbol of hope,  freedom and justice for all who enter .  "statues of liberty and statues cruises "

4 Michelangelo's David

Michelangelo's David " it's my masterpiece oh yeah but why won't you give me such a small penis penis yeah you gave me  the world's tiniest penis "
 the biblical figure of king david has been cast by many sculptures over the course of history, but it's michael angelo's marble depiction of him that is probably the most well known in the world,  the sculpture combines male beauty form and strength in its representation of a nude David , with eyes fixed firmly in a telling and defiant stare ,  the biblical Kings reputation as a wise and fearsome warrior ,was well documented in such stories as  his battle with Goliath while , the statues home city of Florence , was often threatened by larger rivals such as Rome with David symbolic protection however Florence felt it had enough strength to survive and thrive against adversity .

3 the moai

the moai these mysterious and ominous statues serve as ,the stoic guardians of Easter Island a Pacific island near , the Polynesian triangle ,the moai statues are defined by their large and imposing heads which sits atop sturdy body is carved from tough a type of rock that is formed from volcanic ash ,the moai were carved by the Rapa Nui ,the indigenous Polynesians of Easter Island who see , the statues as their most precious resource indeed , the Robin we absolutely depend on tourism and all of , the travelers who come to the small Chilean island to see these iconic sculptures in the flesh .

2 Christ

Christ the Redeemer I sort of thing from a distance Jesus top of a hill looking like he's a you know about to bungee jump  this gigantic symbol of Christianity is one of the most easily recognizable statues in the world thanks to its depiction of a regal Jesus Christ whose outstretched arms welcome all who enter into the city of rio de

janeiro brazil Christ the Redeemer possesses a truly international construction history with its face having been designed by romanian artist Gail Gail Naida with the other members of the collaborative team including Frances alba Cole the Polish french artist Paul and dusky as well as Brazil's own a tour de Silva Costa its sheer size and scope or impressive when seen from land sea and air so much so that christ the redeemer has
been listed as one of the new seven wonders of the world  before we reveal our top iconic statue here are some honorable mentions, religious statues , "Mohammed k is an accountant who works and lives in the neighborhood near the statue he is also a Muslim and he says the scantily-clad woman does not reflect Senegal's religious views he was responsible Michelangelo that is to helping to put it back together and in the process of doing so of course he would have had to repair it maybe even polish it why did " religious statues .

1 the Great Sphinx of Giza

the Great Sphinx of Giza "I spent five years here mapping every stone to scale this was my office and I

would take my break here"

 this great mythological creature traditionally possesses the body of a lion and the head of a human depending on whether we're talking ancient greece or ancient Egypt sometimes giant wings from an eagle,  the Great Sphinx of Giza which like most Egyptians faces doesn't have wings is the most regal and iconic of all , the sculpted spaces in the world standing as , the largest monolith at over 241 feet long and sixty six feet high , the human face of the Great Sphinx is said to represent that of the ancient Egyptian pharaoh khafre of, the Fourth Dynasty, there are many mysteries swirling around ,the actual construction and purpose of ,the Great Sphinx including how its nose became damaged and missing which has led to archaeological discussions that
continue to this very day .


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