ten things you should never ever share

10 Toothbrush 

using someone else's toothbrush could be pretty dangerous, even if you clean it meticulously every time after you use it ,they're still going to be some bacteria left that will grow and reproduce while you're sleeping , and if your own bacteria can do you no harm, they still transmit new pathogens that cause someone else , the common cold strap norovirus and more.

 9 lip balm 

one of , the most vulnerable parts of our bodies is , the lips skin, under , the thin membrane , there was a thick net of capillaries that absorb everything that gets onto , the lips including microbes, through someone else's bomb you can catch herpes even if, the owner has no visible signs of ,the disease.

8 Toothpaste

sure using other people's toothpaste is not as dangerous as using someone else's toothbrush, but you will be surprised , there's still a chance of getting some infection especially if contagious bristles and touch , the tubes edges.

7 tweezers 

actually if , the tweezers are clean , the chance of getting something weird is really tiny otherwise , they immediately turn into a dangerous carrier blood-borne infections , these cases are very rare but you must still bear in mind that using infectious tweezers puts you at risk of catching hepatitis C or HIV .

6 razor 

well , there's no need to comment on that you can imagine all , the dead skin cells accumulate inside not to mention , the huge amount of bacteria plus people occasionally cut themselves while shaving not on purpose of course , there's always a chance of picking out some blood-borne infection.


a nail mending kit is actually a happy place for bacteria and infections to live which is love it , there through manicure sets a person can pass to someone else's fungi also called athletes but it's highly recommended to disinfect , the nippers with alcohol containing solution after every use .

4 towel

it turns out that , the familiar smell of an old towel is caused by ,the accumulation of bacteria fungi and algae in , the commons howl as a whole incubated for microbes especially that's always hanging in a wet bathroom contaminates house can transmit fungal infections onto , the skin actually causing bacteria and even think I .

3 deodorant

it's not , the best decision to use something that has been to someone else's armpit roll-on or stick deodorant a mask , the smell with fragrance but it can easily transmitted potentially pathogenic microbes from other people's underarms to yours.

 2 bar soap

its surface is all covered with organisms from ,the skin of ,the last person to use it thus it becomes a disease carrier even if its antibacterial soap still it's not like good bacteria killer like alcohol for example and it is much worse when it's floating in water liquids help fungi bacteria and viruses to easily reproduce.

 1 earbuds 

carry a lot of bacteria from , the ears using other people's headphones like offering your ear for , their bacteria to reproduce some diseases are transmitted this way , so next time you're going to listen to some music with your friend don't forget to wipe , the headphones out.

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